When you are a full-time student in college it can be really hard to maintain a solid daily routine. Even once you finally get into that groove and have a solid routine, it’s very easy to fall out of it or to just drop it completely. Making a daily routine that works for you is simply just about finding what works for you, creating time for yourself around your class schedule, and also making time for yourself.
My daily routine in 10 steps:
1. wake up: not only waking up, but waking up in a good mood and ready to start the day is absolutely essential to having a good day and completing the rest of your morning routine.
2. wash my face, brush my teeth, and take my vitamins: washing your face will give you a fresh start to your day and vitamins are a simple and great way to keep you healthy.
3. eat a balanced breakfast and have some coffee: eating a balanced breakfast is another great way to start your day. Every morning I eat hash browns and eggs and occasionally some bacon as well!
4. get ready for class (usually an 11:40): comfy clothes- always!
5. finish up classes for the day and come home
6. catch up on some homework: I try to get my homework done as soon as I can so I don't have to procrastinate once the deadline gets closer.
7. have dinner: chicken and rice or just some pasta is my go to. Not much gourmet cooking is going on in my college house.
8. shower and get refreshed: my favorite part of the day is getting showered and getting prepared to finish my night.
9. take some time for myself (read a book, watch tv, or just chill out)
10. get that beauty sleep
I have created my daily routine based on my class schedule, things I need to get done, and things I want to do for myself. Obviously, my schedule changes daily because of classes, or going to the gym, or days off, so this routine can be altered. But, this is the simple starting point of my daily routine. I believe it is extremely important for everyone to have a daily routine that makes them feel comfortable but also accomplished. Over working yourself or stressing yourself out over school or any other things puts a huge strain on your mental health, that you may not even realize.
Take the time to make time for you <3