It has been a long, stressful, annoying, fun, and chaotic semester. I've learned a lot of things, i've had fun, i've been stressed, i've missed deadlines, it was pretty much just the average semester for any college student.
Some things I have learned from not only this semester, but from all of them are:
Everyone is in the same boat: it doesn't matter what your major is or if you have a minor or not or how many tests you have in one week. Everyone is in the same boat and everyone has their struggles and everyone is at the same place in life. Nobody is better than others because their major is harder or they have more exams, college is college. Pick each other up instead of pushing each other down.
You need to prioritize yourself: you are not going to get anywhere or get anything done if you are letting yourself go and not keeping up with the things you need to do for yourself. Giving yourself mental health days, making time for self-care, and giving yourself free time are all very important not only for your sanity but for your success.
Say yes to last minute plans: don't be so uptight, just go with the flow!! How are you ever going to have fun if you are constantly saying no to fun plans and just hibernating in your room.
Be kind to everyone: you never know what anyone is going through, or what they need. Just be kind, it takes nothing to smile at someone or say a kind thing to someone. It is so easy, so why not try to make someones day better?
Focus on time management: time management is key, and time management is your friend. Try your absolute best to take control of your time management because it will only help you in the long run.
Your feelings are valid: No matter what anyone says, your feelings are valid. No matter what it is about, upset about a crush? upset over an exam? feel like your stressed? anything you have emotions about is valid and do not let anyone tell you any different.
Don't put so much pressure on yourself: yes, it is great to do well in your classes, to go to parties, to feel perfect, but everyone makes mistakes and that is ok! You are allowed to make mistakes, you are allowed to mess up, and you are allowed to be sad or stressed or angry. Don't put too much pressure on yourself because at the end of the day you just have to be unapologetically yourself.
It is never too late to make new friends: You do not have to be friends with someone since freshman year to be friends with them ever, you can meet new people, expand your group and find more friends. There is nothing wrong with that.
You do not have to have your entire future figured out: Yes, we may be in college and nearing graduation, but we are still young. And you definitely do not want to be rushed into a future you don't want to be in. Thats not fair! Take your time to figure it out.
Be your own best friend: Of course, friends are great but the best best friend you can ever have is yourself. Nobody knows how to take care of you quite like you do, and nobody knows what you need quite like you do. Take that to your full advantage and take care of yourself
I still have a long way to go and a lot more to learn but I have learned so much about myself, my friends, my school, and what it means to be me in only 3 short years. I can't wait to see what else I can learn and what more this life has for me. Thank you for following along and I truly hope I made a difference in someones life.